Our Expertise
Econe Square, in its approach of financial and economic control, puts a peculiar stress on tariffs and price management issues as well as on the understanding and mastering of costs, which are two of the major stakes of general management.
Pricing : the new strategic stake
In industries which endure a strong competition and where service offers hardly differ from one another, the price policy has became one of the new cornerstone of the firm strategy.
Nevertheless, in numerous companies, price decisions are often taken in separate directions (sales, marketing, finance…). This situation leads frequently to a lack of global control on the margins and the results. In addition, these decisions are not related to the appropriate costs considerations (complete or partial costs , fixed or variable costs, cost components, indicators…) leading to additional revenue losses and risks taken. Last but not least, seldom prices proposed by companies take into account clients portfolio or market segmentation issues, reducing profitability opportunities.
Aware of the prevalent role of pricing in companies strategy, Econe Square intervenes on all type of audit or consulting missions related to pricing issues (audit of pricing processes, pricing optimization, setting up of pricing department…)

Mastering costs, all type of costs
Current competition on numerous market combined with an increased pressure on prices and revenues has led companies to take into account a strengthened control of their costs.
However, when they have to implement an efficient cost policy, these companies are often confronted to non performing accountancy and cost allocation systems.
Thus, they cannot base their decisions on reliable indices of profitability or performance for given product, service, market, division, process... and consequently cannot implement the appropriate action plan (stop, reduce or develop the activity).
In addition, in many business plan or business case, companies often forget some hidden or indirect costs, which is leading them to invest in projects that are less profitable that they appear.
Finally, whatever be their size, all companies need to resort to reduction cost programs to adapt themselves to economic circumstances or simply to upgrade their profitability.
Through its missions, Econe Square contributes to the setting up of global costs systems by adapting its analysis to the appropriate cost modelling, time requirements and context where decisions take place so as to limit the risk taken and insure profitability.
In association with other dedicated companies, Econe Square realizes ad-hoc costs reduction missions which answer our clients’ expectations.
These missions cover the whole process of cost reduction (diagnosis, identification of internal and external cost leverage, audit of procurement processes, re-engineering, tax optimization…).